Saturday, October 10, 2015

Viktor Orbán's Facebook Page Now a Massive Hub of Support

Viktor Orbán's Facebook page has become a massive gathering point for people from around the world offering their support of him. It is nearly impossible to find a comment that is even in the slightest bit negative.
Compare this to Merkel's Facebook page where 95% of people are calling her to resign or pleading with her to come to her senses. Some negative comments have over 11,000 likes.

I figured I would post a collection of comments here as a bit of positive energy. Many people have woken up and can see the truth behind the deceptive mass media's images of refugee children and the harsh words of liberal politicians hellbent on forcing their unpopular and insane agendas by terrorizing citizens into silence through the use of political correctness.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Top Serbian Sociologist Demands Serbian Prime Minister Resign or Step up to Help Solve Migrant Crisis

The following article is a translation from Délhír Portal, an article which is itself a translation from a Serbian article contained in a quarterly political magazine, Нова српска политичка мисао.

I found it important to translate this article because we rarely hear news about how Serbia is coping with the migrant crisis, and indeed why it makes the choices it does (that is, sending hundreds of buses of migrants deeper into Europe without bothering to register any of them). And so, here is a glance into the current political and social turmoil of Serbia:

It appears that only the Serbian Prime Minister is unaware of what the West is planning. Revered Serbian sociologist, Dr. Miomir S Naumović described the European Union's strategical solution to provide lasting living quarters to migrants, a plan which relies on stuffing hundreds of thousands of migrants into the Ukraine and Serbia.

Dr. Naumović, in a public letter in the political magazine Нова српска политичка мисао (English: New Political Thought), addressed Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić without preamble: it is a grave mistake that the government so desperately seeks to please the West because this will have numerous irresponsible and damaging results. The more intelligent Serbian citizens regard the future with great fear, a future which will resemble the following ten points:

1. At least 150,000 migrants will arrive in Serbia in the next few months.

2. Serbia will be surrounded by fences built by neighboring countries which will be protected by their respective armed forces. Complete isolation awaits Serbia.

3. At the same time, Serbia is considered a safe country for migrants.

4. The European Union will supply financial assistance to Serbia for accepting migrants. The EU bureaucrats will continue to pat Vučić on the shoulder and promise that they will leaf through one of the 150 total chapters of laws regarding Serbia's entry into the European Union.

5. The Serbian political elite will coerce and convince the citizens into believing that temporarily accepting masses of migrants into the country is a purely positive thing.

6. The temporary accomodation of migrants will slowly become a lengthy, and then permanent fixture. In the meantime, the European Union's funds and financial assistance will contribute to the construction of housing, even entire towns for migrants in Serbia. Serbian leading politicians will naturally receive even more praise and some money from the Union for their efforts.

7. The European Union will finance new factories in which only migrants will be allowed to work.

8. Serbia's population is aging. If current trends continue, by 2050 the population will have decreased by a million. In the meantime, the numbers of migrants will increase drastically.

9. In a foreseeable amount of time, Serbia's landscape will be darkened by the site of migrant worker factories.

10. In 2050, the Serbian parliament will pass laws officializing the language of the migrants and ordering it to be taught. Migrants will have their own districts, administrations, schools, and police force.

Dr. Naumović in his letter demanded that Vučić begin necessary measures to prevent the catastrophes listed above, or be gracious enough to leave politics as soon as possible.


Note: Dr. Miomir Naumović passed away suddenly on September 25, 2015. He had taught sociology in Nis since 1988, and published countless scientific papers in the field of sociology of village and town, social demography, geopolitics, geoculture, and was also a novelist. His funeral was on September 30th. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Betyársereg's Personal Essays and Discoveries on Migration

The following post is translated from the BetyárseregThe Bandit Army
The Betyársereg is an infamous organization in Hungary of patriotic ex-military, ex-secret service, ex-policemen. They posted a very troubling message yesterday (October 1st) on their website which I found to be vital to translate and share to the international community. Please be warned that the link to images in this post are extreme and contain mutilation, blood, and dead bodies.

The link to the original Hungarian post (and pictures) can be found here:

Zsolt Tyirityán, founder and leader of Betyársereg

Despite the razor wire, despite the fence, the soldiers and police, the new conquerors still won't give up on their goal of European domination. At times there are fewer of them, at times more, but unrelentingly they come. We already knew that we aren't facing refugees, but now we can show you proof of this. Members of Betyársereg along the border found various mobile phones on which can be seen footage of such carnage, that even we were left stunned. Beheadings, maimed body parts, bodies being burned alive. These are only a few examples from the hundreds of videos and photographs that our members looked through. The footage is only recommended for those with nerves of steel.

Essay 1.

Now that the nights are more peaceful, I have a few moments to collect my thoughts on the events of the recent past. I can tell you, that about a year and a half ago when illegal migration suddenly exploded, those who witnessed the events with clear eyes were ringing the warning bell, signalling that there would be serious trouble. And so there was. Everything that the government is trying to do now leads in a good direction, but they only effected the necessary measures a year and a half after the problem began. In the beginning, amidst the weak border protection, hundreds of new parasites infiltrated Europe, and only those were caught who were actual refugees and wanted to contact the police. They did not need to be captured, they came to us and were happy that finally after many hours of walking they found a patrolman. Then, the large portion of refugees were from Kosovo.

And so spring arrived, and the people kept coming. Many elderly villagers then saw Africans or Arabs for the first time in their lives. In the mornings, oftentimes groups of thirty-to-forty men would wait at the bus stop beside villagers heading off to work. At the time, the police lacked the capacity to deal with these groups, the bus would pick up the migrants and take them directly to the police who pulled them off.

In the summer, the situation spiralled into such a state that our villagers began to be frightened. In the middle of the night, groups of conquerors wandered around our streets, and the villagers could do nothing but lock their gates and watch. If something suspicious happened, they alerted the police. At this time, the traffickers leapt into action and soon our quaint village looked like some city's outer district, infested and swarming with criminals. In a little while, these criminals were doing their deals in the broad light of day. There was even a day when the locusts changed their clothes in the churchyard and jumped into private, waiting vehicles that took them westward.

In this case, it was legal for our village's immune system to jolt into action, and brave local youngsters volunteered to help the work of the police. Their jobs weren't entirely without risk even though these arrivals so vehemently touted as peaceful by the liberal media appeared harmless. Later, of course, it became apparent that the moment they were in a power advantage, they did not hesitate to pull out knives and to make threats with them. This situation actually happened with me, and not much held me back from losing my life.

There was also a case in the village when we used a Hungarian bullwhip. Around here, there are still a few people who can skillfully command this very practical tool. And so, a group of my friends and I set off to clean up the area around the Tisza River, which was known to be a problematic zone. But we didn't have to go far because the problem came to us. On the road, the silhouette of a group of around eighty men appeared. The youngsters waited for the group, and when they were about thirty-forty meters away from each other, one of the young ones stood in the middle of the road, and made a mighty snap with the bullwhip. He swung the whip around and yelled in English: the police are coming, everyone sit down! At that moment, all the migrants who were there quickly sat down. Luckily, the authorities handled the rest of the situation and arrived on the scene within minutes in great numbers. Our little volunteer troops recruited one of the cooks from a local inn and continued their search, and before the police finished putting all the eighty sitting men on buses, seven more men were rounded up from nearby gardens. It is a good feeling to know that, although there are few of us, there are some who are willing to act when it comes time to protect our neighborhood.

I cannot say what the future holds for our village. Every night there are captures. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always more come. Despite the razor wire, despite the fence, the army, the police -- the new conquerors still won't give up on their goal of European domination. The situation won't soften with the arrival of winter, that much is certain. In the cold only the trained fighters will come, and even if they shiver or if their stomachs ache in hunger, their instincts will ensure that nothing will scare or stop them. We are going to need brave patriots in our massive farmlands, those who will protect our lonely elderly folk.

Of one thing I am certain: here in the village there are many who will not be afraid to protect their places of birth, their families. They will do that at whatever price, should our government fail to fulfil its duty for some reason.

Essay 2.

During capture of migrants, civilians have repeatedly reported seeing groups that moved in formation, and when these groups slept, they did so as is taught in the army. In a closed formation, leaning on one another, with the sergeant or the general being protected in the middle. These young men moved in a routine way and behaved logically, many times we were unable to catch them because they would split away from the main migrant groups before we arrived. They hid in the forests and would usually reappear a day or two later in Szeged. If it came to checking their possessions, they mostly had large amounts of high-protein food and items necessary for sheer survival. No useless baggage, and anyone who is even a little bit familiar with the army lifestyle can immediately see the difference. These young men are well-trained fighters who will cease to hesitate should their numbers be enough to fulfill their mission. The videos and pictures found on abandoned mobile phones around local villages contain reams of extreme religious and terrorism-related activites. The groups who successfully arrive and pass through inspection contact others behind them and inform them which way is safe. If the latter groups get stuck, they immediately stop and pull out their phones and send messages. We have to tell them countless times while they are waiting for buses not to use their phones. The shocking thing is that these groups found paths to Szeged that not even I, as a native and avid hiker, have ever used. In the darkest depths of the forest, they travel practically unimpeded to the city. Many times they throw away their army papers here, we found these wherever we went. If police or other authorities neared them, they would try to throw away more incriminating objects. Even now, before I stopped to gather my thoughts and share them, I took a walk around the border crossing at Röszke, and within moments I found a switchblade knife, a wallpaper cutter, and even an adze. I was surprised at the adze, since it is quite a rare object for a person to carry around, especially if that person sets off somewhere with supposedly peaceful intentions. However, who knows, it could be that the unfortunate refugee was just hurrying off to a traditional hog-killing, although his Muslim background hints that the likelihood of this is rather slim, and I don't know anyone in town who could recommend me a good Muslim hog butcher.

Technological gadgets have become such an important part of our society that we store personally significant moments of our lives on these gadgets for the sake of posterity. We thus have a record of exactly those things that interest us.

One of these important gadgets is a telephone, a particular one which I discovered about five hundred meters from my house in a cornfield contained things that exceeded all my wildest imaginings. I am a person with strong nerves, but certain contents can shock even me. There were beheadings, maimed body parts, bodies being burned alive, videos of certain organizations. When I think that the owner of this telephone passed by my house, I become very uneasy.

We Hungarians love and respect life. I know now that the thousands of unregistered Muslim fighters flowing across or hiding in our country do not view life in the same way. They especially do not think of their enemies in a such a way, but neither do they respect their own kind. Europe just blundered into a bloody war, and it is only a matter of time when it will truly begin. The most horrible part about this is that to these new arrivals who are still being helped and comforted by activists, the taking of a human life is about as significant an event as drinking our morning coffee is for us. When the time comes, they will not have moral scruples about the need to murder women or children.

I watched a few dozen videos in the past couple of hours that I would prefer not to share here, but I collected various photographs, specifically for those with strong nerves.


A big thank you needs to be said for our army, our police, who are trying to protect our homeland. This is a dangerous task. I was just out on the border a couple of hours ago. Vigilance is contant, I cannot go near the fence without being asked who I am, what am I doing there. I'm happy because even though the pressure at Röszke has lessoned, the attention is just as intense, and they want to catch everyone and anyone who so much as attempts to illegally enter.

It is best that I spiritually prepare myself for a harsh and merciless battle. I hope I will be wrong, but the ghost is out of the bottle, and I cannot even imagine how many fighters have crossed into Europe undetected, without the system knowing about them. These men are organizing the new battlefields which will cast large portions of Europe into flames.


Furthermore, the news just broke this story on October 5th on television. The video of the news segment can be seen on their website. It is in Hungarian, and there will probably be a short, annoying commercial before it. In the video, the Betyársereg discuss the phones and their contents.

Here's the link to the video:

  translated by: Bodomér de Maldur


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Desperate Conditions in Germany's Refugee Camps

The following article is translated from The original article appeared on September 30, 2015, at 10:27 A.M. Here is the original link:
Original German sources to the Hungarian article can be found here:
And here:
And here:

Massive brawls, sexual assaults, trash and filth -- looking into the current state of Germany's refugee camps.

German refugee camps are concealing shocking conditions. Rape and sexual assault against women is an every day occurence, in many cases women are urinated on while sleeping by migrants from other countries. Migrants leave trash and filth everywhere, and mass brawls are considered week-day activities.

Sexual Assaults

The army has noted that unsustainable conditions are present at the refugee camp in Erfurt. writes that aside from constantly sexual harrassing women, migrants also urinate on floors.

A doctor attending to migrants in the camp said these observations to the German paper:

"The main hall is cleaned twice daily. Despite this, the floor is always filthy because they always throw their trash on the floor. Urinating in the corner has become a routine activity. Single women on the camp's grounds are also urinated on while sleeping. Sexual violence happens every day." 
Constant Brawls

Two days earlier a riot broke out at a refugee camp in Leipzig. A hundred migrants were involved and many were injured. Only a 'significant' police force was able to stop the disturbance after many hours, according to

The fight broke out after an argument between Afghans and Syrians. Police suspect that religious conflicts stand in the background. After the riot, the Afghans refused to return to the camp and instead slept outside in the cold.

This was not the first conflict in Leipzig between migrants. Currently 1,800 migrants are stationed there, many have still not been registered. Just as in Hungary, migrants are ungrateful in Germany as well. Their primary complaints are lack of medical care and good food.

"I'm scared to go out on the street at night."

Over the weekend, 500 migrants arrived at a newly-built refugee camp in Niederau. The building previously functioned as a department store -- writes Daniela Kuge, a local CDU politician answered a question on her Facebook page that asked whether young, attractive, blonde women should be afraid to go onto the street after 10 P.M.
"I live in Meißen, by the station. I know what you mean. I'm scared." She added: "This is the fourth refugee camp within ten kilometers in my voting district. It's simply too much for me."

Troubles also rife in Donaueschingen

Serious tensions arose Monday evening between migrants in a refugee camp in Donaeuschingen, a town within the federal state of Baden-Wüttemberg, writes Die Welt in a Tuesday morning analysis. A large portion of the 1,600 migrants attacked one another while showering, and 19 police vehicles had to be sent to the scene to stop the brawl from devolving into chaos. Over 150 'extremely aggressive' individuals had to be physically restrained, multiple arrests were made. Tensions only eased up on Tuesday morning.

Likewise in Baden-Württemberg, but this time in the town of Ellwagen, two Syrian migrants ran for each other's throats on Monday afternoon. According to police reports the situation there is also dire and poisonous. In a refugee camp in Gerolzhof, in the north of Bavaria, Syrian migrants fought each other over a financial dispute. One migrant attacked two others with a broom, and all three had to be separated.

High Tensions Across the Nation

The integration minister of Baden-Württenberg announced that the extreme tensions in the camps are because of overpopulation. According to Bilkay Oney, the conflicts are not only caused by religious differences, but every day struggles. These can be witnessed through food donations or the limited spaces for bathing (the antagonism towards the integration minister himself is not new: at an event in Heidelberg in July, hundreds of local citizens booed him. The cause of the tension was a new refugee camp.)

A constant flow of reports describe total chaos in refugee camps, and anxiety plays a large role in the rising tensions: naturally the slow registration process leaves many migrants in fear, waiting for when their ultimate fate will be announced. This is not what they had been expecting.

translation by Bodomér de Maldur, September 30, 2015.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Julia Klöckner Describes Frustration with Muslim Men

The following article is a translation from The article is from September 28, 2015, and was posted on the original site at 8:36am. Here is the link:

The Hungarian article itself is a translation from the German Focus. The source can be found here. It is also worth noting that this breaking news item can be found on other sites, just google Julia Klöckner's name and search for recent news articles to see a long list.



Julia Klöckner, chairman CDU's Rhineland-Palatinate district, announced that migrants must integrate themselves and accept basic German values. Hundreds of women have contacted her to voice complaints: Muslim men insulting, shoving, and displaying negligent behavior towards women. Klöckner brought up the question: "Where are the left-wing feminists now?"

CDU Chairman of Germany's Rhineland-Palatinate district, Julia Klöckner, believes that migrants must accept basic German values. Klöckner described that hundreds of people, mainly women, called her recently on the telephone to say that they were frustrated by the behavior of Muslim men and boys.

According to the German Focus, letters and phone calls are pouring into Klöckner's office, especially from women who complain about how Muslim men are treating them; that equality between the sexes is being violated. According to Klöckner, there are heaps of frustration within people, and they are unable to tell the public about it.

The CDU politcian talks about female teachers whose male students announce during class that the teachers have nothing of importance to say to them; or that the parents of students refuse to talk to female teachers because they will only condone communication between male teachers. Other callers dislike the fact that men won't even allow women to receive their benefits.

Julia Klöckner believes that a law for compulsory integration must be passed, and that the government must quickly clarify the position that in Germany certain basic social values are not up for question. "We cannot make any more mistakes," says the German politician, who believes that the right of equality between sexes cannot be questioned, neither by the established Muslim population, nor by the newly arrived migrants. "Where are the left-wing feminists, now?" she brings up the question.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Palestinian, Hungarian-educated Man Tells the Truth on the Migrant Crisis

The following article is a translation from The original article appeared on September 26, 2015. Link to the original can be found here:

"Over here, everyone believes you are attacking Islam and hurting refugees. They naturally don't understand the Hungarians," says Mr. Shadi Oudeh to, a Palestinian with a perfect command of Hungarian who attended university in Debrecen. We contacted Mr. Oudeh, who works as a dentist in Bethlehem, to learn of what Palestinians think of the migrant crisis, what the Arab newspapers are writing on the Hungarian perspective. Mr Shadi emphasizes: "Those who are pouring into Europe are not real refugees, and there are many shady characters, too." He believes Hungarians have the right to protect their own country, and that Merkel's viewpoint is very bizarre, because she is saying the same thing as "the crazy man in the Al-Aqsa mosque. That Europe must be destroyed."

Mr. Shadi Oudeh's facebook profile picture

"The dark night will soon end, and we will crush Europe, Allah willing," announced a controversial imam in a recent predication in Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque. We contacted the Hungarian-educated Palestinian dentist, Shadi Oudeh, on his mobile phone in Bethlehem, right while he was in the middle of lemon harvesting. We asked him are Europe's fears legitimate? Will the young Muslim world really crush us in the name of a new Caliphate? Mr. Shadi also answered questions on what it means to be Muslim, that those who molest women will go to Hell, and that regular people have a hard time understanding Viktor Orbán.

Q: An imam in Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque recently said that Muslim migrants must outbreed Europeans and even breed with European women in order to crush a tired, old Europe. Should we really be worried about this speech?

A: The imam who spoke in Al-Aqsa is scum. It was not true speech, just nonsense that was stuck inside him. He speaks so primitively, to crush the women of Europe?! To crush Europe?! Allah did not give those words to him. To me, the strangest thing is that Merkel said the same thing as the imam in the mosque. That Europe is old, it must be changed. I am angry at Merkel for this. Why aren't German workers good for her? Or Romanians? Why doesn't she search for workers within Europe? And why isn't she saying that when the war is over, everyone can nicely go on home.

Q: I can sense you are not quite the sort of economic migrant we are dealing with today. How did you come in contact with Hungary?

A: I came here as a university student, paid my own tuition. I hadn't intended to go to Hungary, I'd wanted to go to Austria where my uncle is a doctor. But because of some papers, I wasn't allowed. Then my uncle told me, why don't I study in Debrecen? There was a doctors course there in English. I attended university and learned Hungarian, too. Then I moved to Kaposvár. When I completed my exam, I returned home, but I didn't have a house, or anything. So when I got married, I returned to Hungary with my wife because I had a more solid existence here.

Across from our house in Kaposvár lived an old lady. She always watched when I would try to steal her chickens. After she got to know us, she gave my wife her entire month's pension because she knew we needed a new gas stove. When my wife got pregnant, our neighbors always packed us baskets of fruit. See, this is what you Hungarians are like. You are afraid of strangers at first, afterwards you can be extremely kind. I love Hungarians, and if I had stayed, I would have lived like a Hungarian. I learned that the laws of the country must be obeyed. The Muslim migrants would enjoy themselves a lot more if they did this, they'd have a better destiny.

Q: We in Europe are having a hard time differentiating between refugees and migrants. And we are also worried about terrorism. Are these fears legitimate?

A: Many of those who are currently going to Europe are fighters. Your fear is entirely correct because mostly men, young men are leaving, not families, not women and children. This fact is already suspicious. When I went to Hungary, I needed a visa and all kinds of papers. Now they don't pay attention to these things, but it is entirely logical, this is how it should be done.

Q: Registration is that important?

A: Those who destroyed Syria are now smoking together at Keleti Railway Station, and believe me, they are going to do things far more horrible than leaving trash on the trains. If I was a refugee, I would keep quiet and be grateful. Those who are shouting, acting ungrateful, they are not real refugees. They are going to Europe for welfare.

Q: How can we tell the difference between migrants and refugees?

A: I think each person should be examined, fingerprinted, and everything learned about them. But this should be done by the government services, they must be strong, determined. This is not a job for journalists. The migrants shouldn't have been allowed to scream and holler at Keleti Railway Station. They will behave like this everywhere. Europe is a collection of free nations. Not long ago, they were shouting for freedom in Sweden. And there is freedom in Sweden, but not for everyone. There is freedom for Swedes, not for Syrians unless the laws are obeyed. Those who complain and only cause headaches should go home. Nobody needs them.

Q: Headaches aren't caused by refugees, but by Islam's culture that Europeans can't understand...

A: Islam shouldn't be attacked. It's a respectable religion, it doesn't hurt other religions. As a Palestinian, I have no problem with Jews, only the extremists, the Zionists. The entire religion of Islam shouldn't be held responsible because there are these animals, it's not true for all of Islam. Those who do not respect European laws, who do not respect women and treat them with aggression and demands, they have no fear of God. They think Allah will not punish what they are doing. But they will all nicely be sent to Hell.

Q: What is Hungary's image over there now?

A: Over here, everyone thinks you are attacking Islam and hurting refugees. They naturally don't understand the Hungarians like I do. They don't read Hungarian news, they don't understand what politicians are saying. For this reason I think it must be clearly stated: what happens to a refugee, what happens on the borders, who can and cannot come? I saw that video where that animal grabbed his wife and child and pushed them onto the rails. I'll tell you honestly, I would have shot him on the spot for how he was behaving. The Hungarian police didn't do anything, but the photographs still depict another story. The media displays white as black, and vice versa.

Q: So then the media is wrong, and Hungary is on the right track?

A: It's the Hungarian opposition that I don't understand. Migration is not a political subject, it's a national one. Taxes and economy belong to politics. This is a national question. Politicians must reach a consensus in the best interests of the nation. I think regular people have a hard time understanding Viktor Orbán, but he sees the truth better than anyone. I completely agree with what he is saying. I also agree with the fence. He is right that these people are not refugees and that the nation and Europe must be protected. But Islam should not be mixed into this.


End note: Mr. Oudeh also responded himself to the Hungarian article, which you can see by clicking on the link at the top of the page.

Thank you, Mr. Oudeh!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Statistics, Riots and Murder

As of August 4, 2015, an estimated 120,000 illegal immigrants have entered the European Union through Hungary in the year 2015 (that's not including the hundreds of thousands who arrived on boat in Italy). That number is expected to reach 150,000 by the end of August.
Tensions are naturally rising across Europe. There are repeated riots in migrants camps in Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary. Violence between immigrants also happens.

This is a riot in a camp outside Prague. The migrants shout "Freedom!" and are eventually broken up by Riot police:

This is a riot in Dresden, Germany: Exklusives erstes Video von den Ausschreitungen im Dresdner AsylantenZeltlager.

This is a riot in Debrecen, Hungary. This riot allegedly happened after one migrant stomped on another migrant's Quran. The migrants eventually broke out of the camp, attacked passing cars, and had to be herded back by Riot police:

On July 27, 2015 at around 5:00 A.M., a Syrian immigrant stabbed to death an Afghan immigrant in an orchard by Bački Vinogradi, near the Serbian-Hungarian border. Two other immigrants were injured and treated in a hospital in Subotica. The deadly dispute was allegedly caused by one migrant group wanting to rape the other migrant group's women. The murderer and three women were found hours after the event by Hungarian police who then handed over the suspects to Serbia at the border between the two countries. Here is a video of Hungarian police handing over the suspect to Serbia:

I urge all politicians to think hard about these events, to realise that the people in these videos are the ones who could be arriving in England in a few weeks. Do not pretend these things aren't happening across the continent. Once we have opened our eyes to the unpleasant truth (and the truth can sometimes be very unpleasant, indeed!), we can move on to creating practical solutions.


Migrant murder at the Serbian-Hungarian border:

Serbian TV news report on the migrant murder:

Migrant statistics in Hungary for 2015:

Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Pocket of Sanity

When so-called neo-nazi and fascist websites provide the most comprehensive, statistically-backed, and neutral information about current immigration politics, you sense that something strange is happening in your country.

You sense something strange is happening when the most common media sources provide articles that are full of holes and subtle, condescending adjectives labelling particular people, actions, or quotes as racist, intolerant, bigoted, ignorant. You kind of shit your pants when they say Hungary should follow the West's immigration policies, except we have to work on better integrating Middle Easterns and Africans into our society so that the immigrants won't live in segregated, dangerous slums or have the time to think about killing people overseas or revolting against the police. It's naturally the fault of the British, Swedish, and French governments for failing to safely integrate people whose holy book states that nonbelievers should be killed.

The good thing is that liberals are fighting a losing battle in Hungary. We are one of the last sane countries in Europe. The only country in the European Union who refused to accept a single migrant during the now-failed plan to parcel out quotas of migrants across the continent. We have the most well-organized Far Right Party in Europe which holds the majority of the youth vote and is constantly getting stronger, and we are planning to reinstate the Border Patrol (disbanded in 2007) and the death penalty.

One thing I've noticed while living here is that Hungarians are undyingly proud of who they are. They are proud of their language, their history, their great kings, their cultural traditions, their poets and authors, their folk music, their food, and they will never sacrifice it. It's unimaginable that they would surrender their country and national identity like Sweden has. Unimaginable that they would fall to white man's guilt or run away crying after being called bad names by liberals. Hungarians have a thousand years worth of experience protecting their land from invaders, from the Mongols to the Ottomans to the Soviets in 1956. The Hungarian army is not named Honvédség by accident, literally translated that is 'defenders of the homeland'.

A 15-year-old freedom fighter from 1956, later shot by Soviets

And, while I never showed much fondness for our Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, I'm surprised by his recent speeches, and in awe at his balls to say some of the things he has. He says he is willing to sacrifice his international reputation for speaking the truth. On July 25, 2015, he had this to say about liberals:

"There are people who think differently (about keeping our Hungarian identity). The European Left Wing does not see the immigration problem as a source of danger, but as an opportunity. The European Left Wing has always looked suspiciously upon nations and national identities. These politicians, simply put, do not like Hungarians. And they don't like them because they are Hungarian. Imagine if the Left had formed a government in 2014. I know it's a nightmarish thought, but just imagine it for a second. In one or two years we would not recognize our own country. We would not recognize Hungary. We would resemble an enormous refugee camp, like a Central European Marseilles."

Viktor Orbán says nice things about Marseilles.

He goes on to say that Europe is no longer a place of real solutions, but an ideology. "Europe no longer looks at the problem, but whether or not a particular solution will strengthen or weaken its own closed-minded ideology. Europe has became a place obsessed with ideologies. If a plan is logical and successful, but it strengthens the sovereignty of a nation, then it must be aborted, it is an enemy. The more successful the plan is, the more dangerous it is. This is the basis of the Hungarian situation. What we Hungarians are doing is undoubtably successful, but because it doesn't fit into the ideology of Brussels, or should I say because it does not weaken but strengthens the Hungarian nation and its sovereignty, in their view it must still be shunned and cursed."

He describes the "experiment" made thirty years ago by many Western European countries to allow in a large number of foreign people from different backgrounds and civilizations. He says that, looking upon the result of the experiment, he does not want to attempt the same thing in Hungary, and we have a right to choose.

But by far, the thing that has liberals in Sweden tearing their hair out, is what Viktor Orbán says here: "Another thing that we must talk openly and honestly about, is that there is an obvious connection between immigrants illegally entering Europe and the spread of terrorism. Interestingly enough, the Anglo-Saxon countries admit this, but the others deny it."

He also states that illegal immigration increases unemployment. "And let us also mention the thing that political correctness in Europe would like us to graciously overlook: according to statistics by Western European police forces, in locations where large numbers of illegal immigrants live, the rate of crime dramatically increases, and in the same rate so does the safety of citizens decrease. According to a 2013 survey by the British Parliament, in British prisons the number of Muslim inmates has increased by 300% in fifteen years."

He gives more depressing statistics, including a report by the United Nations that puts Sweden in second place after Lesotho for the most number of rapes in the world. He closes his argument by saying simply that illegal immigration is a threat to Hungary and Europe. "It is a danger to our shared values, our culture, and threatens to destabilize our efforts to fix our economy."

So, yes. Hungary is committed to keeping out illegal immigrants. If any of you Western Europeans are fed up with your own governments or perhaps have forgotten what a normal European country looks like, please join us. Help support our government, our Prime Minister. We have a thriving ex-pat community. A lot of Brits, especially. Do I even need wonder why?

Hungarian folk dancing is an exclusionary activity that further isolates migrants from society, so should be outlawed. -- liberal logic.

István Apáti, a Jobbik member of Parlament , in a speech before Debrecen after hundreds of migrants ravaged their own camp and broke out onto nearby streets, even attacking cars, said: "Unfortunately, history is repeating itself. This is not the first time that we (the Hungarian people) have to protect Europe's borders."

Gergely Kulcsár, also a Jobbik member of Parlament, stated at the same rally: "Those people who caused Monday's riot are nothing but common criminals whose place should be in prison. We should have immediately expelled them from Hungary after this event happened."

Wow, a politician of a major party saying something like that in public? He must be punished according to Sharia law. If he was in Sweden, he surely would have been convicted of hate crime.

Look at all these migrant-hating vigilantes who dare to protect their nation.

There is still hope, Western Europe. You're lucky not everyone has lost their minds. Thank the fascist neo-nazi racist skinhead vigilantes known as the National Guard. Thank also our satanic greedy Prime Minister. Thank the hateful college students who play League of Legends every day, listen to heavy metal, and are voting for the Jobbik party in record numbers. They are the only ones you can rely on to unconditionally protect Europe.

When students aren't killing pixel creatures, they are supporting the right party.


 Viktor Orbán's speech on July 25, 2015.

Jobbik demonstration in Debrecen after migrant riot:

Statistics on Jobbik rising in power.